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Welcome to our customer service page.

Our online services can help you with all aspects of your subscription. We provide quick, convenient services that enable you to manage your subscription yourself. You can, for example, inform us of a change to your address or bank details, or pause deliveries while you are on holiday – it’s simple! Just select one of the services listed below.

Reklamation Icon
Umzugsservice Icon
Kontoaenderung Icon
Change of address
Bank details
Has your magazine arrived damaged? Or perhaps it hasn’t arrived at all? We will arrange a replacement for you.
Have you moved to a new home? Please let us know your new address.
Here is a convenient way to change your bank details or set up a direct debit payment.
Reklamation Icon
Has your magazine arrived damaged? Or perhaps it hasn’t arrived at all? We will arrange a replacement for you.
Umzugsservice Icon
Change of address
Have you moved to a new home? Please let us know your new address.
Kontoaenderung Icon
Bank details
Here is a convenient way to change your bank details or set up a direct debit payment.
Urlaubsservice Icon
Widerruf Icon
Kontakt Icon
Holiday service
Why not simply take your magazine subscription
on holiday with you? Alternatively you can arrange for a break in delivery.
You can cancel your magazine subscription within 14 days of placing the order without stating a reason.
Do you have any other requests, suggestions, criticisms or questions regarding your subscription? We would be delighted to hear from you!
Urlaubsservice Icon
Holiday service
Why not simply take your magazine subscription
on holiday with you? Alternatively you can arrange for a break in delivery.
Widerruf Icon
You can cancel your magazine subscription within 14 days of placing the order without stating a reason.
Kontakt Icon
Do you have any other requests, suggestions, criticisms or questions regarding your subscription? We would be delighted to hear from you!
Do you have any other questions?
+49 (0) 541 80009 090
Or use our free call back service