Publisher subscription services‎

Complaints management‎
Cancellation prevention‎
Accounts receivable management‎
Customer care‎

Publisher subscription service

In the background, the intan Group takes care of all aspects of customer service while in the foreground, it presents itself as if it were the publisher.

The in-house customer service centre, which provides support to subscribers, is a key component. After all, reliable subscription management is essential for a positive customer relationship.

The spectrum of services provided by the intan Group includes sending order confirmations to new subscribers, calculating subscription fees and guaranteeing on-time delivery.

We have learned how to use innovations and attractive pricing models to retain customers over the long term. As a result, their purchase of a product becomes a lasting success.

Complaints management

Robust customer relations and the highest possible level of quality assurance are fundamental to the solution-oriented way the intan Group does business.

In particular, the company’s sustainable complaints management procedure means that the products and services it offers are constantly being improved and developed.

Encouraging customers to complain, channelling complaints and handling complaints are all essential aspects of a responsible complaints management system. Successful customer support consists of a combination of two things: firstly, making it easy for customers to complain and secondly, handling and processing complaints in a professional manner. With its decades of experience, the intan Group’s complaints management procedure provides excellence in all these areas. What’s more, the intan Group is a customer-focused, service-oriented point of contact for its partners.

Cancellation prevention

In order to find out why a cancellation is being requested, it is useful to ask questions of the customer who is making the cancellation. In future, the information provided can then be used to create a robust database for analysing problems and also for calculating the cancellation probability, which can be represented as a cancellation score.

Taking pre-emptive, preventive action is just as important as analysing a cancellation that has already taken place. The intan Group has embraced the idea of identifying potential cancellation candidates and taking the relevant countermeasures to prevent such customers from leaving.

Of course this should not result in loyal customers being overlooked. So the intan Group looks after its old customer relationships to ensure they remain satisfied.

Accounts receivable management

Working with long-standing partners, the intan Group ensures that outstanding payments are collected efficiently. By taking a serious approach to consumers who default on their payments and by developing the best possible needs-based strategies, the intan Group makes it possible for customers to continue the subscription service once they have settled their liabilities.

Not losing customers in spite of payment difficulties is a huge challenge – a challenge that the intan Group is successfully facing, together with its partner prodefacto. For more information, please visit www.prodefacto.de

Customer care

Successful customer service begins even before the subscription has even been finalised. So being service-oriented is part of the intan Group’s corporate culture and has become an inherent part of our day-to-day business.

This means that potential customers are just as important as existing ones and have just as much relevance for the company. The intan Group makes it easy for customers to contact them and they give customers comprehensive advice, mastering the balancing act between showing appropriate restraint and offensive sales strategies.

By documenting the customer history, the intan Group ensures professionalism when giving advice and talking with customers. These comprehensive records ensure that the company’s capable employees can always access detailed information which helps them successfully steer their conversations with customers.

Damage limitation is not the goal of the intan Group, however. It is much more about systematically avoiding the loss of customers.

The software used by the customer service team at the intan Group also enables staff to maintain an overview of, and manage, high volumes of enquiries, complaints and grievances. The powerful software package also fully automates processes such as order confirmation and acknowledgement of receipt. All in all, this shows customers that they are in safe hands with the intan Group.